Friday, October 17, 2008

We survived!!

We survived the first week back at school! Mostly good with a few tantrums!! The kids even got to go for a swim today in the pool:-
Ben was a bit cold but the kids had a great time. (the water was 24c)
And here is a photo of my little Jessiebear! She NEVER looks at the camera for me so this one is a bonus even if it is a bad photo!!

Hope you are all having a great week.

Catch ya soon :)


Kerryn said...

oooh a pool - how nice!!! bet you'll get plenty of use out of that this year :)

Jodi Dolbel said...

WOW Jayne... Love your blog!!
Your background looks awesome!!!

Kirsty said...

Gorgeous photos! Summer pics always have such gorgeous colours:-)